FA Resources and Job Aids

Background Info for Standard Project Statements


The process of developing standard project statements began at the Fall 2015 TRACS Working Group meeting.  At the meeting, the WSFR Training Branch was initially tasked with evaluating the current list of custom indicators used in TRACS, with a stated goal of determining if WSFR could implement standard objectives for various project statements in TRACS that would complement the efforts being done on the results chains.  The goal of this effort was to create a suite of standard project statements (best management practices) for the most common project types that States routinely perform using grant funds from WSFR programs.  


(1) Create training and job aids that assists WSFR and State staff in performance of their respective grants management roles and responsibilities;

(2) Clarify what represents an adequate project statement in order to satisfy the requirements of regulation and policy;

(3) Provide a roadmap for the development of the project statement component for the TRACS enhancement; and

(4) Create efficiencies in the grants management process for both WSFR staff and our State partners by providing a clearer understanding of expectations for each element of a project statement.

Development Process

During the spring and summer of 2016, the Training Branch developed 14 standard project statements for various project types including fish hatcheries/stocking, research, land acquisition, boating access, coordination, survey, habitat management, hunter education, aquatic education, and construction activities under the clean vessel act and boating infrastructure grant program.  These project statements were crafted using the TRACS strategies and standard objectives developed by the TRACS Working Group.  The standard project statements were then released on June 15, 2016, to WSFR staff for an open commenting period.  This commenting period ended on July 29, 2016, during which time, the Training Branch incorporated constructive comments from staff on each standard project statement.  Following the WSFR staff commenting period, the standard project statements were then released on September 12, 2016, to State agency/partner staff for their comments.  This commenting period closed on October 14, 2016, during which time, the Training Branch again incorporated constructive comments from the States.

In July 2018, the Training Branch updated the 14 standard project statements to meet the new TRACS Enhancement matrix format.  The TRACS Enhancement is proposed for implementation during the fall/winter of 2019.

The Training Branch would like to express our sincerest appreciation to everyone who assisted in this significant effort.  The quality of the final project statements would not have been possible without the continuing effort and partnership that exists between WSFR and the States.  The Training Branch has received numerous requests to develop additional sample project statements  and we are committed to assisting in this continuing effort as time allows in the future.