2021 National Federal Aid Coordinator (FAC) Virtual Meeting



A national virtual conference of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR) Program’s Federal Assistance Coordinators (FAC) took place March 29, 30, and 31, 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic hampered planning for annual regional WSFR-FAC meetings across the nation, and an opportunity to conduct a national virtual meeting was realized. The three-day meeting consisted of high-level training materials and updates from WSFR HQ staff on topics including TRACS, GrantSolutions, Program Income, and WSFR’s Accountability Initiative. The meeting was opened by USFWS Principal Deputy Director Martha Williams, closed with industry presentations from Dan Forster of the Archery Trade Association and Daniel Nussbaum of Z-man Fishing Products, and included success stories from Alaska, Georgia, and Nevada. Regional breakout sessions were held on the last day of the conference, allowing region specific discussions to take place.

To learn more, view the Full Agenda

Session Recordings and Reference Materials

Day 1 National Sessions (March 29th 2021)
Day 2 National Sessions (March 30th 2021)
Day 3 National Sessions (March 31st 2021)
Legacy Region 3 Breakout Sessions (March 31st 2021)
Legacy Region 4 Breakout Sessions (March 31st 2021)
Legacy Region 5 Breakout Session (March 31st 2021) 
Legacy Region 1, 7 & 8 Breakout Sessions (March 31st 2021)