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Standard Form Disclosure of Lobbying Activities

Entry link: SF-LLL


A shapefile is a digital file created using GIS software (such as ArcGIS) that stores the geo‐spatial attributes of a specific location using coordinates and other GIS data.

Entry link: Shapefile


A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a grantee, subgrantee, or the awarding agency.

Entry link: Share


State Historic Preservation Office

Entry link: SHPO

Signature Authority

The authority granted to an individual to sign grant related documents on behalf of  the grantee organization.

Entry link: Signature Authority

Single Audit Report Statement

Audit that includes both the financial statements and the expenditures of federal awards by all state agencies including institutions of higher education. 

Entry link: Single Audit Report Statement

Single Source Award

A funding opportunity specifically awarded to a appropriate partner based on or more demonstrable criteria:

·         Unsolicited proposal 

·         Continuation of activity

·         Legislative intent

·         Unique qualifications

·         Emergencies

Entry link: Single Source Award


A site is the area in which one or more facilities is located.  For example, a site could be Cherry Creek State Park.  At the site, there may exist a recreational boating facilities, education center facility, and recreational fishing facility.

Entry link: Site


States Organization for Boating Access.

Entry link: SOBA

Spatial Quality

The extent at which the area on the map depicts the area to be impacted by your project.

Entry link: Spatial Quality

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