TRACS System Information

Site: WSFR Training Portal
Course: WSFR Training Portal
Book: TRACS System Information
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Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024, 12:01 AM

TRACS System Requirements

To view the latest system changes, visit the TRACS Release Notes page.


Note: TRACS is designed for use on a personal computer/workstation and is not supported on mobile devices at this time.

CPUIntel i3 or equivalent
CPUIntel i5 or equivalent
Resolution1920x1080 or greater

Software Operating System

TRACS will run on any operating system which is compatible with supported Web Browsers.

Web Browser

TRACS is designed to work best with the latest Chromium or Firefox derived browsers (minimum version in parentheses).

Google Chrome (80+)

Microsoft Edge (80+)

Mozilla Firefox (74+)

*note: Internet Explorer is not recommended.

PDF Reader

TRACS requires a PDF reader with browser plug-in such as Adobe Reader.

For more, visit the TRACS Troubleshooting Tips page. 

TRACS Release Notes

Since the redesigned TRACS system was launched in June 2020, the Office of Conservation Investment's Program Accomplishment Reporting (PAR) Branch continues to work on system improvements and adding new features. Future updates are under the direction of the TRACS Working Group, comprised of 29 State and Federal system users. 

TRACS release notes document the latest system updates and new features that improve the TRACS live (production) system and all environments. Release notes are listed below newest to oldest. 

Production Release version 2.41 ( 05/28/2024)

  • New capability to set a reporting period to ‘waived’ before saving, with exception of final reporting periods
  • Added validation rules to prevent users from deleting a real property or facility record while associated with a performance report. The record must first be unlinked.
  • Updated application footer to include new CI program name and links
  • Updated accomplishment reporting spacing, column and filter names to match data entry forms
  • Updated number of decimal places for units of measure to be uniform across activates
  • Added limited capability to return a base real property or facility record back through the approval process for editing if linked to a performance report, and adding the capability for amendments to be returned to an editable status if linked to a performance report
  • New site, facility and real property record PDF’s released per requirements by the TRACS Working Group

Production Release version 2.40 (02/28/2024)

  • Added 2022 Wildlife Management Areas to location selection.
  • Corrected abbreviations specific to islands and atolls.
  • Fixed blank list bug with Real Property Status Report – Named Property Groups.
  • Fixed Final Performance PDF’s to display missing elements such as the summary information tables and Performance Question 7.
Production Release version 2.39.1 (02/18/2024)

  • Validation rules adjusted for Award Reporting Due Dates to allow edits when a performance report is underway or completed.
  • Added ‘Clear Questionnaire’ button to Performance Questionnaire form to address validation error upon deletion for questions 6 & 7.
  • Added validation warning to prevent two or more Award Reporting Due Dates with same start and end dates.
  • Added warning message to accomplishment report totals when report totals include mixed units of measure.
  • ‘View Details’ link added to accomplishment itemized reports for users with appropriate roles to access award performance reporting PDF’s.  

Production Release version 2.39 (02/03/2024)

  • National, regional, and state-based accomplishment reports released to production for TRACS Working Group review
  • TRACS Training documentation linked to featured accomplishment report definitions
  • Additional filter options and display options added to accomplishment reports
  • ‘Date Deed Recorded’ added to exports on Real Property Status Reporting

Production Release Version 2.38 ( 01/07/2024) 

Visit the What's New with TRACS - Federal Award Reporting Dates Workflow (01/08/2024) announcement.

  • Fixed submit and due date time stamps on status reporting corrective actions  
  • Added functionality for Federal Approvers to generate, edit, and manage Federal Award Reporting Due Dates for Performance Reporting, including budget and reporting cycles, waivers, and extensions   
  • Revised federal award linkage workflow to accommodate and validate reporting due dates 
  • Accomplishment reports released for Working Group beta review 

2023 Release Notes

Production Release Version 2.37 ( 11/29/2023) 

  • List page search improved to ignore capitalization, and fixed error with reserved terms (e.g. AND, OR, NOT)  
  • Business rule added to prevent project statement archiving once performance report data exists 
  • Updated Latitude/Longitude label for real property records to distinguish ‘legacy’ data  
  • Improved validation warnings and ‘Go’ links for Facility records  
  • Addressed PDF report errors due to large or invalid file formats  
Production Release Version 2.36 (10/10/2023) 

Visit the What's New with TRACS - New & Improved PDF Outputs (10/10/2023) announcement.

  • New Federal Award Proposal, Interim and Final Performance reports PDF formats per requirements by the TRACS Working Group 
  • Text editor capabilities limited to enforce more standardized text formatting for PDF outputs
Production Release Version 2.35 (9/28/2023) 
  • Fixed validation bug to allow only facility records without a component to modify the ‘facility type’  
  • Fixed breadcrumb error on the Facility List page 
  • Added acquisition date to search results for Real Property Status Reporting

Production Release Version 2.34 (8/31/2023)

  • Apportionment Year 2024 ready for License Certification data entry 
  • Removal of ‘Site Name” from performance report
  • Deployed multiple database views to support future reporting capability
Production Release Version 2.33 (8/11/2023)

  • ‘Grant’ terminology changed to from federal awarded agency to ‘grantor/seller/vendor’ to match policy language 
  • Expanded business rule to associate Real Properties or Facilities with a performance report when in ‘Awaiting Federal Approval’ or ‘Final Approval’ workflow steps 

Production Release Version 2.32 (6/30/2023)

Visit the What's New with TRACS - 2023 Mid-Year Highlights announcement.

  • Matrix changes to include new Activity Tag 1’s for State Wildlife Action Plans and Education 
  • Terminology changes throughout application to match policy language  
  • Validation added to Water Rights (Interest Sub Type) requiring type selection  
  • Validation error fixed for Encumbrances when deselecting the ‘checkbox’ 
Production Release Version 2.31 (5/17/2023)

  • Target start/end dates removed from the Project Statements Objectives and all related outputs 
  • Federal Award Search Start/End Dates field filter updated to empty default state. Now required for filter apply button to activate  
  • Calendar popup updated to include the ability to navigate by month/year 
  • ‘Grant’ terminology changed to ‘Federal Award’ to match policy language 
  • Performance reporting periods updated from Grant Solutions when new, changed, or consolidated reporting periods were manually identifiable in the system 
  • Fixed validation for Acquisition Purpose and Water Rights check boxes 
  • Fixed Go Links within Real Property Module to bring user to the correct wizard page 
  • Validation corner case fixed for real property contacts with fee simple interest type. Now requires a contact to be selected 
  • Validation fixed on Real Property Adjustments including: change in the adjustment type, change in purpose, require primary habitat and require location description  
  • Added the “US County” equivalent for locations such as: US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and District of Columbia to allow users to provide more information on a specific location  
  • Fixed issue with unlinking Federal Award and attaching it to a different record 

Production Release Version 2.30 (4/7/2023)

  • Grant list adjusted to display correct dates   
  • Real Property Status Report user help text and search filters updated to be more user friendly  
  • Comment status checks added to Real Property Status Reporting to allow easy identification of Individual Property or Named Property Group records which require a federal reply  
  • Go links added to Real Property Status Reporting wizard menu  
  • Sub-wizard created for Real Property comments, and status validations updated for Named Property Groups and Comment wizard steps  
  • Business logic added to Real Property Status Reports to prevent federal commenters from certifying the status report before non-federal user certification, and to prevent deletion of Named Property Groups with federal comments 
  • Missing validation markers added to comment forms  
Production Release Version 2.29 (3/31/2023) 
  • Real Property Status Report Module and Corrective Actions released to production
  • Changed Activity Tag 2 ‘pier’ to ‘piers’ to match the rest of the application 
  • Re-enabled GIS upload permissions to allow shapefile uploads from the application 
  • Fixed validation issues related to Real Property Adjustments, including capability to add an encumbrance and species selection for acquisition purpose Species Management
  • Added user help to clarify that WMA’s are optional   
  • Indexed and cleaned up Real Property Status Report outdated services  
  • Excel export capability added to Real Property Status Module search results  

2022 Release Notes

Production Release Version 2.28 (12/17/2022)

  • System terminology change "title" to "name” (grant name, statement name, objective name)
  • System terminology change "FBMS SAP/PO #" to "Federal Award” – field names updated and buttons updated on the grant process workflow page
  • New interface for search and filtering Federal Award information

Production Release Version 2.27 (11/10/2022)

  • Infrastructure and back-end technical updates
Production Release Version 2.26 (10/26/2022)

  • Infrastructure and back-end technical updates

Production Release Version 2.25 (8/21/2022)

  • Validation fix to prevent approval of a performance report without approved project statements 
  • Final period of performance report adjusted to include activity comments  
  • Validation fix to require a species selection species management as the acquisition purpose  
  • Validation fix to require interest subtype lease to be less than 10 years 
Production Release Version 2.24 (7/1/2022)

  • Fixed License Certification 5% variance incorrect data error 
  • Added capability within License Certification for “Start New Year”  
  • Improved MALT contextual help messages 
  • Performance Reporting Module minor typo and grammar fixes 
  • Protections added to Minor Corrections to prevent deletion of reports once a performance reported is initiated  
  • Adjustment to Facilities Performance Report table to remove extra “Total” row 
  • Added validation for Geographic Location within Performance Module 
  • Fixed issue when amending a grant while performance report is active 
  • Fixed error within Project Statement approval Links  
  • Modified acreage adjustment in Real Property Module to replace “+/-“ to “New Total Acres”  
  • Removed breadcrumb navigation when editing to prevent lost information 
Production Release Version 2.23 (6/7/2022)

  • Deployed MALT “Multi-Award Linkage Tool” module to production
  • Added “Add Activity” button to top of the Activity list page
  • Updated names for subaccounts to match CFDA list 
  • Recipient Location updates to reflect location indicated by linked Grant Solutions award number
  • Fixed 30-day email reminders for Federal Approvers on Project Statements 
  • Removed emails sent to recipient contacts for non-actionable notifications related Performance Reports 
  • Added capability to delete real property imported from legacy sources
  • Added link to Final Performance Report on Performance Report Approvals list and removed old PDF view
  • Added table for attachments in performance reports 
  • Organized objectives in alphabetical order in Performance Reports Module
  • Modified progress checkbox in Performance Reports to require at least one activity report
  • Organized Activity Tag 2’s in alphabetical order on Performance Report list page
  • Added warning message to notify users when no project statements are ready for reporting
  • Fixed Performance Report to prevent project statement deletion when already reported on
  • Improved award search basket results within MALT and Performance modules

Production Release Version 2.22 (4/10/2022)

  • Updated secure certificates 
  • Fixed Federal Water indicator in Performance Module to recognize when toggle has been turned off  
  • Verified attachments for Indirect Cost follow business rules for linking or unlinking to an Award 
  • Fixed Project Statement state county selection to clear properly in reports  
  • Generated Periods of Performances for one-year grants not included in Grant Solutions import 
  • Fixed Period of Performance date issue for Dec 31st end dates   
  • Added loading indicator for objectives on Performance Reporting Page  
  • Additional validation added to Performance Reporting workflow page to prevent button clicks unavailable to a specific role 
  • Fixed inactive users with User Administrator role from receiving email notifications   
  • Fixed Grant Narrative PDF from displaying grant program selected during the proposal stage 
  • Bug fix to Performance Reports PDF to show accurate total facilities data within the 25k table  
  • User Administrator can now add permissions at any level of a Group batch 
  • Fixed PDF display from opening in a new tab 
  • Uploaded Grant Solutions vendors and awards  
Production Release Version 2.21 (2/11/2022)

Visit the What's New with TRACS - V2.21 (Feb 11th 2022) Release announcement for highlights.

  • License certification entry page fix to pull total paid fishing licenses rather than total hunting licenses within the ‘Fix initial 5% variance’ validation 
  • Script created to import legacy numbers into License Certification  
  • License Certification module total number of Resident/Nonresident Hunting and Fishing Licenses fixed from overriding  ‘total unique number’ as separate fields  
  • Run Hypothetical Apportionments names/fields changed for a more streamlined workflow 
  • Grant location changed to allow grant proposal location to automatically populate if a location is not present in the Grant Solutions import  
  • Awarded Grant field names updated to match Grant Proposal  
  • SOLR reports improved to link Real Property and Facilities within the basket search  
  • Real Properties/Facilities final approved status now visible within SOLR reports as soon as they are finalized  
  • Performance Reporting enhanced to allow users to select specific activities that have or have not been worked on under a single objective
  • Performance questionnaire updated to match between application and PDF  
  • Question 7 on performance questionnaire corrected to display only during final performance report period for CMS awards 
  • Generated periods of performances for linked awards based on Grant Solutions import 
  • TRACS System notifications implemented to communicate active system issues via popup warning messages  

2021 Release Notes

Production Release Version 2.20 (12/17/2021)

Visit the What's New with TRACS - V2.20 (Dec. 17 2021) Release announcement for highlights.

  • Angular and Froala text editor plugins updated with current version and new features 
  • List pages modified to sort by date rather than date string  
  • Verified historical apportionment datasets to match previous apportionments   
  • New feature in Hypothetical Apportionment for users to view original license number along with the user modified license number   
  • Added all apportionment data years to scripts and verified outputs 
  • Indicator added to Hypothetical Apportionments to highlight a modified dataset 
  • Loaded population data and land datasets for historical 
  • Improved the 508 compliance to include landing pages, header, footer and wizard menus 
  • Updated breadcrumb naming and added Administration to top of menu 
  • Real Property and adjustments style and naming updates 
  • Increased of Project Statement objective field to 1,000 characters 
  • Federal funding amount updated to allow for decimal values and removed rounding  
  • Pop up added to Activities and Objectives to verify intent to delete  
  • Deprecated indirect cost fields removed from PDFs 
  • License Certification updated to allow zero values in current a previous years 
  • Bug fix for adding users to group with Managed Group Feature 
  • Improved and streamlined performance reporting page user interface 
  • Validation for facilities and real properties requiring approval before linking to a performance report  
  • Validations improved for historical real property datasets 
  • Bug fix deleting facility adjustments  

Production Release Version 2.19 (10/08/2021)

Visit the What's New with TRACS - Indirect Cost Statement, Text Editor and New Administrative Module announcement for highlights.

  • Indirect Cost Statement changed to fillable PDF rather than form entry in the performance module 
  • Updated copy forward tool to reflect new fillable PDF requirement for Indirect Cost Statement   
  • POP (Period of Performance) report due dates uploaded for grants with due dates between December 2020 and March 2021 
  • Added color and highlighting to text editor tool  
  • CSS improvements to the Apportionment Module such as header and font sizes, improved homepage image, and navigation on verifying apportionment factor sets 
  • Apportionment module factor sets added 
  • Apportionment field names adjusted to match best practices 
  • Added help text, improved navigation for breadcrumbs and links and updated footnotes within Apportionment Module  
  • Trial Apportionments title changed to Hypothetical Apportionments   
  • Created validation to prevent changing amount on apportionments during corrections  
  • Updated User Management Module to accommodate management of roles related to License Certification and Apportionment 
  • Added additional breadcrumbs and links to help in user navigation for License Certification  
  • Fixed workflow issues with License Certification approvals, updated automatic save feature in-between pages, and fixed validation requirement for fishing revision notes 
  • Fixed ‘create new certification’ button to only load as clickable when applicable    
  • Improved progress bar on License Certification approvals to update as approvals occur   
  • Added help text, verified number fields have commas, and allow for users to enter ‘0’ value for license certifications  
  • Adjusted location names on License Certification list to match the formatting in Apportionment 
  • Exported new user profiles from production to training sites 

Production Release Version 2.18 (08/31/2021)

  • License Certification and Apportionment module updates made to styling, icons, number fields, dollar fields, list page, dashboard page and other clean up  
  • Apportionment module PDF reports and capability to publish apportionments 
  • Improved user authorization and roles in license certification module  
  • Resolved test findings in workflow and naming conventions  
  • Added “locked” icons on license certification and apportionment module dashboard 
  • Updated currency and number fields across the application
  • Fixed performance reporting to allow partial acres and not just whole numbers  
Production Release Version 2.17 (07/16/2021)

  • Enhanced grant proposal report to include grant funding program and added scientific and common names for species performance report 
  • Added colored headers to match application to PDF grant proposal and performance report and modified naming to Annual 
  • Time Zone issue fixed for Mariana’s Islands and Guam to address date conversion for users over international date lines 
  • Uploaded new vendor list, copied new production users to training, and imported funding from Grant Solutions into application 
  • Calendar date fields changed to new format of YYYY-MM-DD (previously MM/DD/YYYY)
Production Release Version 2.16 (06/15/2021)

  • Rework of mapper to expand capabilities of the backend framework 
  • Final performance report format to summarize quantitative metrics across all periods of performance 

Production Release Version 2.15 (06/11/2021)

  • Warning added to attachments form to avoid uploading compliance documentation 
  • Hotfix to 404 error page to display text for SAML request failure and to minimize future errors 
  • Temporary removal of Admin module from the Global View Role to prevent users from seeing the module before completed 
  • Deployed CSS cleanup and fixes across all modules 
  • New Icons for apportionment and license certification module 
  • Deployed Prime NG update and cleanup 
  • Deactivated activity tag add button until an activity tag is selected to prevent errors 
  • Grant Copy Forward fixed for indirect cost statement copy forward; verified that the EIN was working properly and addressed errors related to CMS copy forward 
  • Improved help text with Grant and Project Statement Modules to include additional lines  
  • Modified Project Statement Module to remove hunter education certificate activity  
  • Remove the total objective summary row on performance report output table, and added additional help text within the performance report 
  • Typo fix in automated funding source email 
  • Real Property Grantor/Seller/Vendor field increased in length 
  • Fixed SOLR escape characters to prevent error when entering special characters (/,”) during in record search 
  • Change to search field on list pages to use “AND” operator than “OR” to increase results 
  • Added popup warning to inform user when ITIS database is unavailable 

Production Release Version 2.14 (04/26/2021)

  • Copy forward fix to the field title to match after copy
  • Mapper improvements including services, improved accuracy, geographic intersection tuning, verification of mapping services  
  • Project Statement Amendment table within Grant Module updated to display approval status   
  • Legacy PRISM data imported from Grant Solutions 
  • Bug fix to CMS project statements ‘0’ value for number of target species 
  • Improved mapper multi-polygon calculation, improved accuracy and fine-tuned spatial cross references  
  • Improvements to notifications, including: reminder emails at timed intervals, removal of double notification on return to previous step action, added approver name to the Project Statement Final Approval email, and allow diverting to multiple email addresses to support testing within the Performance Module  
  • Added search for a desired Facility by facility or site name when reporting on an activity in the Grant Performance report 
  • Updated filters for reports to show all filter results. Removed other filters with unlimited results   
  • Uploaded new PRISM grants and vendors lists from Grant Solutions  
  • Updated Facilities Module to indicate if a facility is under or over 25k, and display more than one subaccount for legacy funding sources  
  • Bug fix for adding a Territory (or non-State) location to new project statement to uncheck WMA location by default  
  • SOLR report fix to filter scroll bar to show all results 
  • List page search clean up to return more accurate results
  • Bug fix for a value of <1 on activities (acres, miles, feet) within the project statement and performance report

Production Release Version 2.13 (03/18/2021)

  • Performance Matrix Updated - see notes here:
  • Updated application to Angular 11
  • Emptied, cleared and adjusted notification logs eliminate malformed email warnings user has new name/email format 
  • Increased upload file size to allow 50 MB  
  • Updated user interface unit testing to work with Angular 11 
  • Removed Organization ID field from the contact table  
  • Updated vendor list from FBMS in the application  
  • Attachment popup modified to allow users to add more than 8 attachments  
  • Fixed attachment errors related to Attachment Type selection 
  • Added links to attachment errors related to Attachment Type Selection  
  • Added “Attachment” Field for Indirect cost statement  
  • Fixed error requiring a field tag selection for attachments  
  • Grant Solutions award import script updated to reflect new format 
  • Fixed error on ‘useful life’ field within Facilities Module PDF 
  • Reviewed and added new validations to Real Property and Facilities Modules 
  • Inventory Module icons updated on dashboard pages  
  • Updated application to match matrix Activity Tag 1 within Project Statements  
  • Fixed validation error on species quantity to prevent zero entry 
  • Fix to allow project statements to copy forward regardless of the approval status 
  • Updated Facilities Module to distinguish reporting on facilities  25K and under  
  • Updated report filter list to support longer filter results with new scroll down capability  
  • Fixed objective ordering in the Grant Proposal report to match application ordering  
  • Updates to the user management report to include additional columns 
  • Fixes to the Real Property Report columns  

Production Release Version 2.12 (02/02/2021)

  • Added “copy forward” feature that allows users to copy a grant and selected project statements to seed a new grant record (Visit Lesson 2e: Copy Forward for more details) 
  • Updated the inventory dashboards with new icons 
  • When creating a new contact, user can enter an organization by hand or select from a list of previously used organizations  
  • Updated Contact field Grant Proposal  “Grant Specialist” to “Federal Grant Specialist” within the Grant Module 
  • New SOLR report added on the Grant Report page to show all grants regardless of approval stages  
  • Fixed SOLR report to show Activity Tag 2 for Grant Project Statements 
  • Mapper added to Species Stocking activity within the Performance Report 
  • New ability to add hybrid or specialty species selection to activity report within Performance Reports module  
  • Fixed mysterious floating “a” on top corner of Performance Report page. 
  • Real Property & Facilities PDF adjustments to show real property and facilities adjustments 
  • Fixed PDF loading errors across the application 
  • Visual changes to filed names across the application 
  • User Management Module bug fix that prevented group names from being edited 
  • Fixed SAPPO error on Grant Proposal within Grant Module to allow blanks 
  • Fixed WMA legacy field error that pulled from wrong table and printed county instead 
  • Fixes for v2.12 errors found in testing. Fixed “AND” search issues where SOLR report would error if you filtered on an “empty” SAPPO number within new contact field. 
  • Change to allow users to add more than one activity when multiple options present 
  • Fixed WMA typo for Clinch Mountain from original state data  
  • Fixed  Organization Type typo on a dropdown list within Grant Module 
  • Fixed WMA data errors due to conversion issues 
  • Removed PLSS and NVCS stub data from service response test data 
  • Added legacy grantee column in Real Property Module to display legacy grantee names 
  • Validation error fixed on “Titled To” field within the Real Property Module  
  • Facilities module backend test coverage expanded 

Production Release Version 2.11 (01/10/2021)

  • Activity Tag 2s updated to align with the Matrix (visit the Activity Tag 2s Update announcement for more details)
  • Added Liquibase script to delete database artifacts unnecessary for production system 
  • Researched impact to production data for Activity Tag 2 from production update. 8 project statements were impacted and individuals contacted  
  • Objective list order in Project Statements PDF changed to ‘alphabetical’ from ‘last modified’ 

2020 Release Notes

Visit the Highlights of 2020 Updates announcement for a recap of the releases in 2020!

Production Release Version 2.10 (12/23/2020)

  • SORL report added for Real Property available via the reports dashboard page 
  • Backend fix to SOLR report to improve overall function and efficiency 
  • Updated fields in the Grant Performance report 
  • New fields added, visual changes and updates to PDF’s within Facilities and Real Property module  
  • Global fixes to PDF tables and visual adjustments across reports 
  • PDF link bug in Real Property corrected   
  • Warning message when no period of performance referenced in Grant Solutions data 
  • Mapper visual adjustments for shapefile uploads focusing on the Grant module 
  • Fixed Facilities Module field on administrative adjustments causing a 500 error 
  • Fixed validation error with Fee Simple selection along with all fields selected within Real Property 
  • 500 error fixed when primary habitat deleted within current Fish and Wildlife Habitat table 
  • Table added to Real Property records to view legacy-only data 
  • User Administrators can now disable/enable users within their Organization ​
  • Database changes and cleanup for Real Property, added columns to support additional legacy fields 
  • Updated missing min/max spatial data within tracs 2 locale table 
  • US Cert junit security update 
  • Increased entity test coverage to include: Abstract Entity, Facility Adjustment, Grant Entity, Objective Report, Organization, Project Statement, TRACS User & Project Statement Report 
  • Updated deprecated java methods used for testing 

Production Release Version 2.9 (11/15/2020)

  • Added capability to select WMAs (Wildlife Management Areas) on Real Property records
  • Added Real Property fields to the Performance Report PDF in the Performance Module
  •  Added Working Group Facilities fields to the Performance Report PDF in the Performance Module
  • Swapped images to JPG format for higher resolution and better performance
  • Security updates to spring boot package
  • Fixed history items bug with excessive memory usage
  • Refined color name usage in application
  • Created view for the facility spatial data map service within the Facility Module
  • Test coverage for Real Property, Real Property Adjustments, Site, and Facility entity List Service
  • Updated WSFR vendors list within application
  • Updated link to WSFR training portal in the User Management Module

Production Release Version 2.8 (11/15/2020)

  • Added capability for shapefile point data to the mapper in the Facilities Module
  • Adjusted shapefile attribute titles in the mapper 
  • Added footer to notification emails
  • Application now prohibits emails from being sent to inactive accounts
  • Fixed issue with deleting a species from the Real Property Module under acquisition purpose
  • New report created for QA/QC quarterly of users within the SOLR Report Module
  • Fixed issue with deleting an approved Real Property record
  • Increased title field length within the Inventory Module
  • Updated Prime NG icons to latest release
  • Correction to prevent edits to non-editable fields
  • Test coverage for Grant Summary, FBMS Search and overall grant module

Production Release Version 2.7 (11/15/2020)

  • Improvements to Liquibase for GIS
  • Correction to allow PI (Principal Investigator) change under Minor Correction status

Production Release Version 2.6 (11/15/2020)

  • Real Property List page improvements, including loading delay, additional columns, and added title to the delete popup
  • Added Activity Tag 2 column to SOLR reports
  • Moved points of contacts to earlier in the grant proposal workflow
  • Fixed phone number bug when editing contact information in User Management Module
  • Fixed backend activity reports for species and habitat related to mapper updates
  • Created view for the real property spatial data map service
  • Updated SOLR version throughout the application
  • Fixed view that was out of sync with SOLR within the Report Module
  • Added web link to performance matrix when creating a new objective
  • Improvements to PDFs within Grant and Real Property Modules 
  • Styling improvement to grant lists within the Performance module
  • Removal spatial quality validation except for real property
  • Added validation to adjustments within Facility and Real Property Modules
  • Testing added to Performance Approval Overview within Performance Module

Production Release Version 2.5 (9/10/2020)

  • Notification emails added for project statement approvals and disapprovals within the performance module.
  • New global administration and view only roles added to facilitate system administration and view only data access.
  • Shape-file upload capability added for strategies that require polygon or point data.
  • Additional fields added to PDF reports for facility and real property records.
  • Legacy real property records, reviewed and approved by regional staff, deployed to production.
  • Additional columns added to the grant list page to support additional search and shorting options.
  • “Spatial Quality” field removed from the Inventory Module. Field name changed to “Polygon Digitization Accuracy” in the Performance Module.
  • Direct link to SOBA documentation added for facility dock components in the Facility Module.
  • Federal and Non-federal points of contact added to the Inventory Module.
  • ‘GO’ links for adjustments within real property and facilities fixed to lead directly to the missing data fields.
  • Previous adjustments within the real property module are now visible.
  • Script to copy users created in production to the training site now copies new organizations too.
  • Test coverage within facilities and real property increased to cover a larger percentage of code to verify that the application works properly upon deployment.
  • New application log server configured to help diagnose application issues and identify bugs more easily.

Production Release Version 2.4 (09/03/2020)

  •  Increased the speed in which the list of Wildlife Management Areas loads with the location selection within the geographical location section under project statements.
  • The list pages for Site and Facilities module improved to scale well with increased usage and faster loading.
  • Adding a new section for ‘point of contact’ within the facilities module to allow future point of contact notifications for federal and non-federal contacts.
  • The SOLR index which creates the reports for the performance module now runs overnight to keep reports up-to-date.
  • The comment field for components under facilities has been moved. You can now create comments and add attachments for individual components instead of commenting on all components on a facilities level.
  • A bug was found in acquisition purpose adjustments that prevented the user from finalizing the action. The validation was corrected allowing the adjustments to be completed.
  • New users now only have to create a single account on the production site and an account is automatically created on the training site. Training accounts can be manually created as needed.
  • The WSFR vendor list version from 8/1/2020 produced from FBMS has been updated in the system.
  • The database had a cleanup action removing all duplicate columns from the real property module.

Production Release Version 2.3 (8/26/2020)

  • Export function added to grant reports and style clean up within the Performance Module
  • Updates deployed to Grant Proposal PDF in the Performance Module
  • Updates to grant, programs, minor corrections, validation added and the financial page cleaned up within the Performance Module
  • Updated Wildlife Management Area (WMA) data in the Performance Module
  • Real Property Module updates to the NOFP field, additional validation and round up tickets
  • Performance Module improvements to Custom/Hybrid Species search field
  • Environment notification popup created to indicate non-production environments (e.g. Beta, Train or Dev)
  • New features added to group management section in the User Management Module
  • Fix within the Performance Module to allow user to navigate a project statement backwards through the approval process for the creation of an amendment
  • Test coverage increased to cover a larger percentage of code to verify the application works properly on deployment
  • Updated FBMS vendor list

Production Release Version 2.2 (7/24/2020)

  • New functionality for user administrators within the User Management Module to allow for more complete user management
  • New feature in Performance Module to allow custom/hybrid species to be defined
  • Email notification when a project statement or performance report moves forward through the approval process
  • Attachment Types presented as an ordered hierarchy with more choices for file types throughout the application
  • Updated fields within the Facilities Module, including number of linear feet and number of slips
  • Added field validation to verify that users enter correct data within the Performance and Real Property Modules 
  • Adjusted decimal places for acres or dollar amounts to two decimals for dollar amounts and 4 decimals for acreage
  • Search results improvements for marine species search, including applying the ‘AND’ operator which provides more targeted results
  • Homepage footer link updated to return the user to the Home Page
  • Change to minor corrections within the Performance Module to restrict uneditable fields
  • Improvements to the application reports within the Performance Module
  • Added report fields for the grant proposal and project statement PDF View and download in the Performance Module
  • Performance Module program income missing data error fixed when user selected FBMS account numbers
  • Updated help text popups across entire application
  • Finalized DOI SAML on Login page to support PIV card users
  • Fixed error popup for entering species stocking number in the Performance Module
  • Fixed data location boxes throughout the Performance Module

The first version of the TRACS system was released in 2012. Development of the redesigned TRACS Version 2 (also known as the TRACS Enhancement) commenced in 2018. The Program Accomplishment Reporting (PAR) Branch developed the TRACS system under the collaborative direction of the Meeting of the Parties, Joint Task Force (JTF), and TRACS Working Group. Note: The terms "Version 2" and “Enhancement” has been dropped from the rest of the training documentation, as this term was only useful to differentiate the new version from the original that was decommissioned.

The TRACS Working Group, comprised of 29 State and Federal system users, spent thousands of hours and solicited thousands of comments to simplify and standardize data fields and to improve the look and feel of the system from the user perspective. The Working Group participated in six waves of initial (Alpha) testing and developed the data fields (requirements matrixes) and the system workflow and navigation (wireframes), which went out for multiple rounds of national comment for review by all 50 states and 6 insular areas, with thousands of comments collected and addressed to improve the system workflow. A second round of testing (Beta) was conducted during the month of April 2020. The TRACS system was released on June 15th, 2020. 

The initial training rollout includes TRACS introductory webinars for all 56 states and insular areas during the 10-week training rollout period from July - September 2020. The training team continues to offer monthly training webinars for refresher and new user training, as well as updated content for new functionality. On September 15th 2020, State Directors at the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AWFA) Business Meeting unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to accept state handoff responsibility for entering data in TRACS, as the system was voted to be fully functional, and State personnel have been trained to use the system. Per the terms of the MOU, all grants administered by the Office of Conservation Investment (formerly known as WSFR) with an effective date on or after January 1st, 2021 must be entered into TRACS.

TRACS Matrix Revision Log

The current TRACS Matrix and related tools are available on the TRACS Resources and Job Aids page. Revisions and changes to the Matrix are approved by the Office of Conservation Investment leadership team and the TRACS Working Group. See below for the Revision/Change Log. 

TRACS Matrix Revision / Change Log





 Revision/Change Description


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



 Version 19.0 is the published version at time of TRACS Go Live (June 15 2020). Previous versions were during the development phase of TRACS.


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



 MINOR changes only:

  • Formatting improvements and changed N/A to "None" (bold and in dark blue for emphasis)
  • Separated the 'Additional Information Required' column into two columns to clarify 'Additional Information in Project Statement (When Required)' and 'Additional Information in Performance Report (When Required)'.
  • Docks, Launch Ramps and Moorings (under the strategy of 'Facilities/Areas Construction, Renovation or Acquisition') metrics (such as # of slips) - clarified that these metrics are entered for the component in the facility record(s), e.g. not in the performance report.
  • For the strategy of 'Research, Survey, Data Collection and Analysis', added to the description "Optional - enter the Principal Investigator (PI)".
  • For the strategy of 'Real Property Acquisition', requirement to enter target species removed to match the application. 
  • For the strategy of "Facilities/Areas Construction, Renovation or Acquisition", wildlife propagation facilities and wildlife passage facilities have target species added to match the application.


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



 MINOR changes only:

  • The description was updated for the strategy 'Coordination and Administration'.
  • In the strategy 'Training/Education' and objective 'Students Complete Training', the activity of 'Hunter education certificates earned' was removed.
  • In the strategy 'Facilities/Areas Operations and Maintenance' and objective 'Areas Maintained', the unit of measure was updated to "areas maintained" (dropped 'annually').


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



MINOR changes only:

  • The description was updated for the strategy and objective for 'Coordination and Administration' to include equipment acquisition.
  • In the strategy Direct Habitat and Species Management' and tag 1 'Hazard or Infrastructure Removal', removed words "covered above".
  • In the strategy 'Facilities/Areas Construction, Renovation or Acquisition' and tag 1 "Education centers', updated wording from classroom to facility, and updated to match tag 2 (ex. hunter education).


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



MINOR changes:

  • All strategies, objectives and activities are in alphabetical order to match TRACS.

MAJOR changes:

 Strategy: PLANNING

1) Objective: Develop or revise XX plans by XXXX.

New Activity Tag 1s (# of plans, no activity tag 2s)

  • State Wildlife Action Plan Comprehensive Review and Revision 
  • State Wildlife Action Plan Major Revision 
  • State Wildlife Action Plan Minor Revision 


1) Objective: Conduct XX training events by XXXX.

  • Activity Tag 1
  • Remove -> Aquatic Education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Angular education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Aquatic resource education 
  • Remove -> Hunter education 
  • Add new -> Hunter education (Basic certificate) 
  • Add new  -> Hunter education (Supplemental) 
    • tag 2: Trapping (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Archery - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Firearms - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
  • Add new -> Recreational shooting education 
    • tag 2: Archery - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Firearms - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
  • No Change -> Fish and wildlife technical training 

2) Objective: Train XX instructors/mentors by XXXX.  

  • Activity Tag 1
  • Remove -> Aquatic Education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Angular education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Aquatic resource education 
  • No Change Hunter education 
    • tag 2: Trapping 
    • tag 2: Archery 
    • tag 2: Firearms
  • Add new -> Recreational shooting education 
    • tag 2: Archery - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Firearms - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
  • No Change -> Fish and wildlife technical training 

3) Objective: XX students complete training by XXXX.

  • Activity Tag 1
  • Remove -> Aquatic Education
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Angular education
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Aquatic resource education
  • Remove -> Hunter education
  • Add new -> Hunter education (Basic certificate)
  • Add new  -> Hunter education (Supplemental)
    • tag 2: Trapping (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
    • tag 2: Archery - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
    • tag 2: Firearms - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
  • Add new -> Recreational shooting education
    • tag 2: Archery - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
    • tag 2: Firearms - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
  • No Change -> Fish and wildlife technical training

Note: Training/Education activities with the old format (entered prior to the release on 6/30/2023) have been tagged with "legacy" in the system and on PDF outputs, ex. Aquatic education (legacy). Please review the TRACS Matrix Changes and Legacy Objectives Job Aid


 Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



Minor correction:

 Under the Strategy of "Training/Education", the objectives for "Training Events" and "Train Instructors/Mentors" had descriptions for "Aquatic Resource Education" and "Angler Education" that needed to be switched. 

 21  Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen  4/8/2024  All
  • Updated program name from WSFR to Office of Conservation Investment. 
  • Updated definitions for strategy of Training/Education pertaining to the Aquatic Ed and Hunter Ed activities as approved by the TRACS Working Group and JTF. 
 21  Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen  7/3/2024  
  • Fixed spacing cutting off top page text (identified).
  • Updated Planning Strategy > "WSFR program / subprogram planning" objective to "Office of Conservation Investment program / subprogram planning"
  • Planning Strategy Fact Sheet updated (and new bundle loaded)