Saturday, July 27, 2024, 3:40 AM
Site: WSFR Training Portal
Course: WSFR Training Portal (WSFR Training)
Glossary: Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Definitions


for the purpose of Federal financial assistance, a legal instrument by which a recipient or subrecipient purchases property or services needed to carry out the project or program under a Federal award. For additional information on subrecipient and contractor determinations, see § 200.331. See also the definition of subaward in this section.


An entity that receives a contract as defined.

Cooperative Agreement

A legal instrument of financial assistance between a Federal awarding agency and a recipient or a pass-through entity and a subrecipient that, consistent with 31 U.S.C. 6302-6305:

(1) Is used to enter into a relationship the principal purpose of which is to transfer anything of value to carry out a public purpose authorized by a law of the United States (see 31 U.S.C. 6101(3)); and not to acquire property or services for the Federal Government or pass-through entity's direct benefit or use;

(2) Is distinguished from a grant in that it provides for substantial involvement of the Federal awarding agency in carrying out the activity contemplated by the Federal award.

(3) The term does not include:

(i) A cooperative research and development agreement as defined in 15 U.S.C. 3710a; or

(ii) An agreement that provides only:

(A) Direct United States Government cash assistance to an individual;

(B) A subsidy;

(C) A loan;

(D) A loan guarantee; or

(E) Insurance.

Cooperative Audit Resolution

The use of audit follow-up techniques which promote prompt corrective action by improving communication, fostering collaboration, promoting trust, and developing an understanding between the Federal agency and the non-Federal entity. This approach is based upon:

(1) A strong commitment by Federal agency and non-Federal entity leadership to program integrity;

(2) Federal agencies strengthening partnerships and working cooperatively with non-Federal entities and their auditors; and non-Federal entities and their auditors working cooperatively with Federal agencies;

(3) A focus on current conditions and corrective action going forward;

(4) Federal agencies offering appropriate relief for past noncompliance when audits show prompt corrective action has occurred; and

(5) Federal agency leadership sending a clear message that continued failure to correct conditions identified by audits which are likely to cause improper payments, fraud, waste, or abuse is unacceptable and will result in sanctions.

Corrective Action

Action taken by the auditee that:

(1)   Corrects identified deficiencies;

(2)   Produces recommended improvements; or

(3)   Demonstrates that audit findings are either invalid or do not warrant auditee action.

Cost Allocation Plan

Central service cost allocation plan or public assistance cost allocation plan.

Cost Objective

A program, function, activity, award, organizational subdivision, contract, or work unit for which cost data are desired and for which provision is made to accumulate and measure the cost of processes, products, jobs, capital projects, etc. A cost objective may be a major function of the non-Federal entity, a particular service or project, a Federal award, or an indirect (Facilities & Administrative (F&A)) cost activity, as described in subpart E of this part. See also the definitions of final cost objective and intermediate cost objective in this section.

Cost Share

Cost share is when a quantified portion of the non-federal matching requirement is paid by another resource, such as when gross program income is used to finance part or all of the non-federal matching requirement. Cost share method has been reserved for unique instances of significant emergency, disaster, or agency impairment.

Cost Sharing

The portion of project costs not paid by Federal funds or contributions (unless otherwise authorized by Federal statute). See also § 200.306.

Cross-Cutting Audit Finding

An audit finding where the same underlying condition or issue affects all Federal awards (including Federal awards of more than one Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity).