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1 - Glossary Information and Acronyms List

 The glossary is  your key to decoding acronyms, terms and definitions throughout the site. 

An acronym is an abbreviation of a phrase that usually consists of the initial letter of each word in all caps with no punctuation, such as "WSFR", which stands for Wildlife Sport Fish Restoration. 

For an expanded list of acronyms, see the attached PDF below. 

Entry link: 1 - Glossary Information and Acronyms List


Account and Subaccount

Means the fiscal management designation used in the Service’s financial system to identify funds by allocation. When Headquarters apportions BHE, EHE, and WR funds, they are electronically transferred to an account or subaccount and are accessible to Regions through the Service’s financial system. When a State determines how they wish to use those funds, they notify their Regional Office and fiscal staff will assign funds to the appropriate account or subaccount in the Service's financial system.

Entry link: Account and Subaccount

Acquire Land

Means taking ownership or control of a designated area of land or an interest in land by purchase, exchange, assignment, reversion, gift, eminent domain, or any other method consistent with State or Federal law. The purpose of the acquisition could be for new construction or to expand an existing facility. There is no requirement for the amount of acres acquired – the State must demonstrate in the grant application that the acquisition is sufficient for the purposes of the award.

Entry link: Acquire Land


Taking ownership or control of a designated area of land or an interest in land by purchase, exchange, assignment, reversion, gift, eminent domain, or any other method consistent with State or Federal law 

Entry link: Acquisition

Acquisition Cost

The cost of the asset including the cost to ready the asset for its intended use.  Acquisition cost for equipment, for example, means the net invoice price of the equipment, including the cost of any modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make it usable for the purpose for which it is acquired. Acquisition costs for software includes those development costs capitalized in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Ancillary charges, such as taxes, duty, protective in transit insurance, freight, and installation may be included in or excluded from the acquisition cost in accordance with the non-Federal entity's regular accounting practices.

Entry link: Acquisition Cost


An activity further defines the specific outputs (units of measures) for the objective. For each standard objective, a user must select one or more activity tags that further describe the objective. 

Entry link: Activity


Americans with Disabilities Act

Entry link: ADA

Additive Program Income

The default method of program income disposition for institutions of higher education (IHEs) and nonprofit research institutions. Funding used in accordance with the additive method must be approved in award per regulation.

Entry link: Additive Program Income

Administrative Module

The Administrative module is used by state and territories that receive grants to enter, review, certify, and submit the number of paid hunting and fishing license holders on a annual basis. Hunting and fishing license holder figures are used in the calculation of grant funding available to each state and territory.

Entry link: Administrative Module

Advance Payment

A payment that a Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity makes by any appropriate payment mechanism, including a predetermined payment schedule, before the non-Federal entity disburses the funds for program purposes.

Entry link: Advance Payment

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