
A facility is an establishment, building, or structure(s) provided to serve a grant purpose (e.g., recreational boating facility, archery range, or education center). Facilities correspond to Activity Tag 1’s on the Performance Matrix.

Grants that have the objective “Facilities Construction, Renovation or Acquisition” will require a link to Facility Record(s). Grants that provide funding for the operation & maintenance of facilities DO NOT require a link to a Facilities Record. 

The facility record should be created and approved after the facility is constructed, renovated, or acquired and prior to the performance report. The performance data editor will link the facility record to the activity when completing the performance report. Refer to lesson 4c to learn how to attach a facility record to a performance report. 

For Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG), Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grants and Boating Access Grants, facilities constructed, acquired, or renovated (regardless of cost or useful life length) require a Facility Record in TRACS. 

For all other grant programs - except Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG), Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grants, and Boating Access Grants - a facility record is only required if it meets the “Capital Improvement” definition. Capital Improvement (50 CFR 80.2) means a structure that costs at least $25,000 to build, acquire, or install; or the alteration or repair of a structure or the replacement of a structural component, if it increases the structure's useful life by at least 10 years or its market value by at least $25,000. Facility improvements that do not meet the definitions above, may fall under the “facilities operations and maintenance” objective instead.

» Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Definitions