TRACS Matrix Revision Log

The current TRACS Matrix and related tools are available on the TRACS Resources and Job Aids page. Revisions and changes to the Matrix are approved by the Office of Conservation Investment leadership team and the TRACS Working Group. See below for the Revision/Change Log. 

TRACS Matrix Revision / Change Log





 Revision/Change Description


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



 Version 19.0 is the published version at time of TRACS Go Live (June 15 2020). Previous versions were during the development phase of TRACS.


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



 MINOR changes only:

  • Formatting improvements and changed N/A to "None" (bold and in dark blue for emphasis)
  • Separated the 'Additional Information Required' column into two columns to clarify 'Additional Information in Project Statement (When Required)' and 'Additional Information in Performance Report (When Required)'.
  • Docks, Launch Ramps and Moorings (under the strategy of 'Facilities/Areas Construction, Renovation or Acquisition') metrics (such as # of slips) - clarified that these metrics are entered for the component in the facility record(s), e.g. not in the performance report.
  • For the strategy of 'Research, Survey, Data Collection and Analysis', added to the description "Optional - enter the Principal Investigator (PI)".
  • For the strategy of 'Real Property Acquisition', requirement to enter target species removed to match the application. 
  • For the strategy of "Facilities/Areas Construction, Renovation or Acquisition", wildlife propagation facilities and wildlife passage facilities have target species added to match the application.


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



 MINOR changes only:

  • The description was updated for the strategy 'Coordination and Administration'.
  • In the strategy 'Training/Education' and objective 'Students Complete Training', the activity of 'Hunter education certificates earned' was removed.
  • In the strategy 'Facilities/Areas Operations and Maintenance' and objective 'Areas Maintained', the unit of measure was updated to "areas maintained" (dropped 'annually').


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



MINOR changes only:

  • The description was updated for the strategy and objective for 'Coordination and Administration' to include equipment acquisition.
  • In the strategy Direct Habitat and Species Management' and tag 1 'Hazard or Infrastructure Removal', removed words "covered above".
  • In the strategy 'Facilities/Areas Construction, Renovation or Acquisition' and tag 1 "Education centers', updated wording from classroom to facility, and updated to match tag 2 (ex. hunter education).


Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



MINOR changes:

  • All strategies, objectives and activities are in alphabetical order to match TRACS.

MAJOR changes:

 Strategy: PLANNING

1) Objective: Develop or revise XX plans by XXXX.

New Activity Tag 1s (# of plans, no activity tag 2s)

  • State Wildlife Action Plan Comprehensive Review and Revision 
  • State Wildlife Action Plan Major Revision 
  • State Wildlife Action Plan Minor Revision 


1) Objective: Conduct XX training events by XXXX.

  • Activity Tag 1
  • Remove -> Aquatic Education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Angular education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Aquatic resource education 
  • Remove -> Hunter education 
  • Add new -> Hunter education (Basic certificate) 
  • Add new  -> Hunter education (Supplemental) 
    • tag 2: Trapping (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Archery - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Firearms - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
  • Add new -> Recreational shooting education 
    • tag 2: Archery - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Firearms - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
  • No Change -> Fish and wildlife technical training 

2) Objective: Train XX instructors/mentors by XXXX.  

  • Activity Tag 1
  • Remove -> Aquatic Education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Angular education 
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Aquatic resource education 
  • No Change Hunter education 
    • tag 2: Trapping 
    • tag 2: Archery 
    • tag 2: Firearms
  • Add new -> Recreational shooting education 
    • tag 2: Archery - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
    • tag 2: Firearms - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education) 
  • No Change -> Fish and wildlife technical training 

3) Objective: XX students complete training by XXXX.

  • Activity Tag 1
  • Remove -> Aquatic Education
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Angular education
  • Move from Aquatic Education tag 2 to an Activity tag 1 - > Aquatic resource education
  • Remove -> Hunter education
  • Add new -> Hunter education (Basic certificate)
  • Add new  -> Hunter education (Supplemental)
    • tag 2: Trapping (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
    • tag 2: Archery - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
    • tag 2: Firearms - hunting (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
  • Add new -> Recreational shooting education
    • tag 2: Archery - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
    • tag 2: Firearms - shooting  (Formerly a tag 2 under Hunter education)
  • No Change -> Fish and wildlife technical training

Note: Training/Education activities with the old format (entered prior to the release on 6/30/2023) have been tagged with "legacy" in the system and on PDF outputs, ex. Aquatic education (legacy). Please review the TRACS Matrix Changes and Legacy Objectives Job Aid


 Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen



Minor correction:

 Under the Strategy of "Training/Education", the objectives for "Training Events" and "Train Instructors/Mentors" had descriptions for "Aquatic Resource Education" and "Angler Education" that needed to be switched. 

 21  Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen  4/8/2024  All
  • Updated program name from WSFR to Office of Conservation Investment. 
  • Updated definitions for strategy of Training/Education pertaining to the Aquatic Ed and Hunter Ed activities as approved by the TRACS Working Group and JTF. 
 21  Debbie Wircenske and Yonah Cohen  7/3/2024  
  • Fixed spacing cutting off top page text (identified).
  • Updated Planning Strategy > "WSFR program / subprogram planning" objective to "Office of Conservation Investment program / subprogram planning"
  • Planning Strategy Fact Sheet updated (and new bundle loaded)