Welcome to TRACS Training!

The purpose of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's TRACS Training Program is to provide federal grant managers and state grant recipients with the knowledge and skills to input grant-funded project information and performance reports into the TRACS application. Our training strategy focuses on online tools, such as webinars, eLearning courses and videos, and resources & job aids, to ensure that we are able to deliver training to every system user. 

What is Wildlife TRACS?

Wildlife TRACS, which stands for Tracking and Reporting Actions for the Conservation of Species, is the tracking and reporting system used by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), Office of Conservation Investment to capture conservation and related actions funded by its grant programs - including Wildlife Restoration, Hunter Education, Sport Fish Restoration, Aquatic Education, Boating Access, Clean Vessel Act, Boating Infrastructure, National Coastal Wetlands Conservation, and State Wildlife Grants. To learn more about TRACS, visit our What is TRACS page. 

TRACS eLearning Courses, Videos, and Reference Materials

We offer eLearning courses and videos that can be viewed anytime online and on demand. The training series provides courses that cover every module and workflow in TRACS. Each course is divided into a series of lessons that cover specific topics or workflow steps. We recommend new users view the courses and lessons in order, starting with Course 1 Intro to TRACS. Visit the TRACS eLearning Courses page. Also check out the TRACS Job Aids and Resources page!

TRACS Webinars

The TRACS training team offers introductory webinars, webinars by topic, and updates on new functionality. We provide webinar sessions on a rotating basis on different days and times to accommodate the variety of time zones for most states and territories. If you would like a session on a different date/time, please let us know! 

We also offer custom webinar training sessions for your group or agency! Please contact the TRACS training coordinator at yonah_cohen@fws.gov for more information. 

We offer topic based webinars that walk through the specific workflows in TRACS. 

The suggested order to take the TRACS webinar series is below:

  1. TRACS Intro and Grant Entry Webinar (or take eLearning Course 1eLearning Course 2 & eLearning Course 3)
  2. TRACS Performance Reporting Webinar (or take eLearning Course 4)
    • If your grants include real property (land) acquisition, also take the TRACS Real Property webinar (or take eLearning Course 7)
    • If your grants include facilities construction, renovation or acquisition, also take the TRACS Facilities webinar (or take eLearning Course 8)

Note: Comprehensive Management System (CMS) states should also take eLearning eLearning Course 10.

Upcoming Webinar Information through September 2024
 Course   Description aSchedule
TRACS Intro and Grant Entry Webinar
(1.5 hour)
This course is a great starting place for learning how to get started with TRACS. The course provides an introduction to TRACS and how to build TRACS-ready objectives using the Performance Matrix Tools, followed by step by step instructions for upfront data entry into TRACS including entering the grant proposal and project statement(s).

Offered every 1-2 months (click HERE to register)        
  • Thursday September 12th 2024 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET

TRACS Performance Reporting Webinar
(1.5 hour)
This course walks through how to complete your performance reports in TRACS, including how to enter multi-year reports by period of performance (interim and final). We will also take a brief look at how to link facility and real property records to a performance report. We suggest taking this course close to when you plan to enter performance reports.

Suggested prerequisites: Attend the TRACS Intro and Grant Entry webinar or take eLearning Courses 1-3

Offered every 1-2 months (click HERE to register)
  • Tuesday August 6th 2024 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET
TRACS Real Property Webinar
(1.5 hour)
This course provides step by step instructions for entering real property (lands) information into TRACS, including the approval process and steps to enter an adjustment.

Suggested prerequisites: Attend the TRACS Intro and Grant Entry webinar or take eLearning Courses 1-3, and attend the TRACS Performance Reporting webinar or take eLearning Course 4

Offered every 2-3 months (click HERE to register)
  • Wednesday September 25th 2024 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET
TRACS Facilities Webinar
(1.5 hour)
This course provides step by step instructions for entering facility records into TRACS to meet reporting requirements for grants with the objective strategy of "Facility Construction, Renovation or Acquisition". This course also provides an overview of the approval process and steps to enter an adjustment.

Suggested prerequisites: Attend the TRACS Intro and Grant Entry webinar or take eLearning Courses 1-3, and attend the TRACS Performance Reporting webinar or take eLearning Course 4

Offered every 2-3 months (click HERE to register)
  • Wednesday August 28th 2024 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET

We also offer custom webinar training sessions for your group or agency! Please contact the TRACS training coordinator at yonah_cohen@fws.gov for more information. 

Hosting your own session? Visit the TRACS Facilitators/Instructors Information page for helpful resources.

Additional Training Information

Who can Attend: Webinars are open to any state/territory grant recipients and other recipients and federal grantors working with the Office of Conservation Investment.

Tuition/Cost: There is no tuition for TRACS training. Any travel, lodging and per diem costs are the responsibility of the applicant's office.

Accessibility: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing equal functionality and access to courses and events for all participants. This means that there should be no barriers for people regardless of disabilities, assistive technologies that are used, different screen sizes and different input devices (e.g. mouse, keyboard and touchscreen). Our courses and materials are designed to meet Section 508 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines as amended, including providing closed captioning and/or transcripts for videos and descriptive text for images. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs or requests with at least 14 business days advanced notice of a scheduled training session so we can make arrangements (please email yonah_cohen@fws.gov). 

Course Evaluation: If you recently attended a TRACS training webinar, please fill out the TRACS Webinar Survey sent via email to provide feedback on the course. 

Course Certificates: If you completed a TRACS course previously and did not receive a certificate or would like a replacement, please email us with your full name, email address, and course dates/location and we will email you a PDF copy. 

Questions: Contact the TRACS Training Team at tracs-helpdesk@fws.gov or call 1-844-408-7227 (1-844-40-TRACS).

Last modified: Thursday, July 11, 2024, 2:45 PM