Requirements for Entry into TRACS

1. What is the requirement for when grant information should be entered into TRACS?

Grants administered by the Office of Conservation Investment with an effective grant start date on or after January 1, 2021 are required to be entered into TRACS. Grant recipients may choose to enter their grant data into TRACS on the "front-end" as part of their application submission process or may choose to enter their grant data into TRACS after the grant has been approved (data should be entered no later than 60 days after the notice of award has been received).  Recipients should consult with their Regional Office as to which process may be more efficient.    

2. Who is responsible for data entry in TRACS?

State grant recipients (does not include sub-recipients or contractors) are responsible for data entry into TRACS.

3. Which grant programs require TRACS data entry?

Grant programs managed by the Office of Conservation Investment require TRACS data entry, unless otherwise specified in the award terms and conditions. These grants include Wildlife Restoration, Hunter Education, Sport Fish Restoration, Aquatic Education, Boating Access, Clean Vessel Act, Boating Infrastructure, National Coastal Wetlands Conservation, and State Wildlife Grants. 

TRACS Grant Programs include:

Wildlife Restoration Program

    • Basic Hunter Education and Safety (Section 4c)
    • Enhanced Hunter and Safety (Section 10)
    • Public Target Range - Basic Hunter Education (BHE)
    • Public Target Range - Enhanced Hunter Education (EHE)
    • Public Target Range (Wildlife Restoration)
    • Wildlife Restoration (Section 4b)

Sport Fish Restoration Program

    • Aquatic Education (Saltwater/Marine)
    • Boating Access (Freshwater/Inland)
    • Boating Access (Saltwater/Marine)
    • Sport Fish Restoration (Freshwater/Inland)
    • Sport Fish Restoration (Saltwater/Marine)

State Wildlife Grants (SWG)

    • State Wildlife Grants Program - Competitive
    • SWG Implementation 
    • SWG Planning 

Boating Infrastructure Grant Program 

Boating Infrastructure Grants Program (Tier I &II)

Clean Vessel Act Program

Clean Vessel Act Program

Coastal Wetlands Act Grant Program

National Coastal Wetlands Program

Outreach Grants

National Outreach & Communications

For more information about these programs visit the Quick Reference Guides page

Note that Tribal Wildlife Grants Program and Multistate Conservation Program are currently exempted from TRACS entry. 

4. What are the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?

On September 15 2020, State Directors at the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AWFA) Business Meeting unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to accept state handoff responsibility for entering data in TRACS, as the system was voted to be fully functional, and State personnel have been trained to use the system. The Trust Fund Committee voted upon and affirmed a new data entry handoff date of January 1, 2021.Grants with a start date prior to January 1, 2021 do not need to be entered into TRACS (continue to follow current grant submission processes). For more information, check out the Next Steps PDF

Trust Fund Committee reaffirms the States’ commitment to Item 5(H) of the MOU signed between the USFWS and AFWA at the North American Conference, March 2018 in Norfolk, VA, with the new TRACS Handoff date of January 1st, 2021. Handoff Recipients (does not include sub-recipients or contractors) will assume responsibility for entering data into TRACS when the TRACS enhancement is fully functional, and State personnel have been trained to use it. The States and Territories will have a minimum notice of 12-months of the “handoff date”. The handoff date will be agreed upon by the States, by at least two-thirds majority vote.

The Regional Offices have criteria that could exempt some jurisdictions, based on a small number of grants or technical challenges, such as a lack of dependable internet service.

5. The MOU was signed by AFWA. How does it apply to non-fish & wildlife agencies that receive grants (CVA, BIG, Coastal Wetlands, Environmental Services, etc.)?

The MOU was developed at the request of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA). The Office of Conservation Investment (formerly known as the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program) has adopted the terms of the MOU as Best Practices that guide the development and deployment, and use of the TRACS system with all Grantees. You can find the MOU at: If you have any questions, contact Craig Kelling, chair of the TRACS Working Group, at